Thursday 9 September 2021

Women's Prize Winner 2021

The winner of the 2021 Women's Prize for fiction has just been announced. I am so thrilled that Susanna Clarke has been recognised for her magnificent novel, Piranesi.

The live ceremony was broadcast online with Chair of Judges Bernadette Evaristo announcing the winner. Evaristo said:

“We wanted to find a book that we'd press into readers' hands, which would have a lasting impact
. With her first novel in seventeen years, Susanna Clarke has given us a truly original, unexpected flight of fancy which melds genres and challenges preconceptions about what books should be. She has created a world beyond our wildest imagination that tells us something profound about what it is to be human.”

Susanna Clarke received the £30,000 prize and the award ‘Bessie’, a limited-edition bronze figurine. Clarke is probably best known for her first novel Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell (2004).

I absolutely loved Piranesi and found myself engrossed in the fantastical world Clarke created. I am so happy that she received this award. Read my review of Piranesi here.